Master of Science in Occupational Therapy

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy

Promote Health and Well-Being Through Science


  • 培养具有深厚文化敏感性和创新解决问题能力的专业人士,他们将对当前和新出现的社会需求做出反应,并改善不同个人的健康和福祉, groups and populations.
  • 通过跨专业学习和实践拓展专业知识基础.
  • Serving the unique needs of rural and underserved communities.


Why Earn an MS in Occupational Therapy From Clarkson?

esball国际平台客户端的职业治疗硕士课程为技术和创新提供了坚实的基础, professional reasoning and hands-on clinical skills. As a Clarkson OT student, you will:

  • 向具有全面临床专业知识和当代儿童实践经验的教师学习, adults and geriatric populations.
  • 通过模拟患者互动和包括各种社区活动的联合课程,获得更高的教育体验,旨在进一步为您设计解决方案做好准备,使您能够在整个个人生命周期中保持健康和幸福.
  • 在最先进的模拟实验室和教室中应用您的临床技能,这些实验室和教室旨在让您在安全的学习环境中进行现实世界的实践.
  • Utilize technology. Clarkson is world renowned for our contributions to STEM fields. Clarkson OT is no exception, 在整个课程中有机会与辅助技术进行互动. 我校设有辅助技术资源与教育中心(ATREC), which contains over 400 pieces of low- and high-tech equipment.
  • Celebrate diversity. 我们的教师不断接受培训,通过法官提供OT课程, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) lens. 我们也有一个活跃的学生管理的国家组织职业治疗多样性倡导联盟(COTAD)分会.

In addition to having top-notch clinical skills, 我们的学生为通过由国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT). 

esball国际平台客户端职业治疗理学硕士课程获得职业治疗教育认证委员会(ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association.

What You'll Learn

esball国际平台客户端教育为每个学生准备今天的世界和明天的挑战. 我们的职业治疗硕士课程提供了一个顺序的进展,并遵循队列模型, in which students move through the curriculum together.


随后的学期提供职业治疗评估和干预的基础, 当学生同时与更高级的内容有关的领导和管理的职业治疗服务互动, evidence-based practice and professionalism.

实践技能通过一系列体验式学习课程来教授,旨在提供机会在实践环境和不同的个体中展示能力和临床推理, groups and populations.



Starting in semester three, you will have the opportunity to pursue one of three specialty tracks, all of which culminate in a capstone project:

  • Technology for Health-Related Quality of Life 探索利用尖端技术的新产品的设计和实施.
  • Occupational Therapist as a Researcher 专注于研究的设计和实施,以提高专业水平.
  • Innovative Practitioner uses innovative principles and collaboration to design new products, new programs or a new way of delivering occupational therapy services.

Occupational Therapy M.S. Program


Occupational Therapy MS Curriculum

Curricular Threads and Goals

esball国际平台客户端职业治疗项目有五个课程线索和相关目标,贯穿整个课程. 线程和目标反映了我们项目的价值和优先级, as well as the unique philosophy and mission of Clarkson University. 每个目标都是在教学课程结束时引入、应用和综合的.

Thread 1: Professional Identity

  • Goal 1-1: Demonstrate professional behaviors, attitudes, and actions that are reflective of the ethical standards, values, and scope of the profession.
  • 目标1-2:通过参与和成为社区和专业组织的成员来倡导专业.
  • Goal 1-3: Develop a plan to ensure lifelong learning.

Thread 2: Innovation and Technology

  • 目标2-1:利用技术资源对障碍实施创新解决方案.
  • 目标2-2:教育患者及其家人安全使用和维护辅助技术和适应性设备.

Thread 3: Evidence-informed Practice

  • Goal 3-1: Critically appraise qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Goal 3-2: Use a combination of research evidence, professional expertise, 以及数据驱动的决策,以便在整个护理过程中为评估和干预决策提供信息.

Thread 4: Occupation-based practice

  • Goal 4-1: Articulate the value of occupation as means and ends, which is integral to the health and well-being of individuals, groups, and populations.
  • 目标4-2:开发和实施基于职业的干预措施,支持客户的习惯, routines, and roles within their contexts.
  • Goal 4-3: Exercise sound professional judgment and clinical reasoning.

Thread 5: Interprofessional Practice

  • Goal 5-1: Collaborate skillfully with clients, interprofessional team members, families, 和社区成员确保高质量的以客户和人口为中心的护理.


Fall I

  • OT 501 Gross anatomy (4 credits)
  • 职业发展与职业表现(2学分)
  • OT 521 Mental Health and Occupational Performance (2 credits)
  • OT 531 Theory and Practice (3 credits)
  • OT 541 Evidence-based Practice I (3 credits)
  • OT 551 Fundamentals of Occupational Performance (3 credits)
  • OT 591 Professional Communication and Practice (2 credits)

Total: 19

Spring I

  • OT 503 Neuroscience (4 credits)
  • OT 533 Applied Kinesiology for Occupational Therapists (2 credits)
  • OT 553 Cognition and Occupational Performance (2 credits)
  • OT 563 Adult Conditions I (2 credits)
  • 体验式学习实验室:成人评估与干预(3学分)
  • OT 603 Activity Analysis (3 credits)

Total: 16

Summer I

  • OT 605 Assistive Technology (2 credits)
  • OT 595 Interprofessional and Emerging Practice (2 credits)
  • OT 630、631、632通往临床实践的工程途径I(2学分)
  • OT 700a Fieldwork Level I (2 credits)

Total: 8

Fall II

  • OT 537 Experiential Learning Lab: Pediatric Assessment (2 credits)
  • OT 557 Upper Extremity Rehabilitation and Orthotics (2 credits)
  • OT 567 Adult Conditions II (2 credits)
  • 体验式学习实验室:成人神经评估和干预(3学分)
  • OT 597 Special Topics in Advanced Practice (2 credits)
  • OT 640、641、642通往临床实践的工程途径II(2学分)
  • OT 700b Fieldwork Level I (2 credits)

Total: 15

Spring II

  • OT 539 Professional Practice, Leadership, and Management (3 credits)
  • OT 549 Evidence-based Practice II (2 credits)
  • OT 579 Group Dynamics (3 credits)
  • OT 589 Experiential Learning Lab: Pediatric Intervention (4 credits)
  • OT 599 The Lifelong Learner (2 credits)
  • 临床实践工程之路III(2学分)

Total: 16

Summer II

  • OT 705 Fieldwork Level IIA (9 credits)

Total: 9

Fall III

  • OT 710 Fieldwork Level IIB (9 credits)

Total: 9

Total Program Credits: 92


作为esball国际平台客户端职业治疗计划的一部分,所有学生都需要完成有监督的实地工作经验. 实地考察提供了一个将理论和课程内容应用于实践的机会来补充你的学术准备, to further develop and refine clinical skills, 并与主管和未来的同事建立专业关系. 实地工作包括前两个学期后的一级实习和完成所有课程后的二级实习. The student fieldwork manual and related information (i.e. fieldwork dates and site data) will be available to students.  

实地工作经历在整个课程中依次进行,旨在为学生提供最好的学习机会. 学生必须按照适当的顺序参加实地工作经验(参考课程)。. 学生必须在完成学术课程后的一年内完成所有二级实地考察要求. 如果情况发生,学生需要在一年的时间之外完成实地考察, students can petition and the case will be reviewed by the faculty. Approval is needed to extend fieldwork placements.

实地工作教育是每一代职业治疗师专业准备的重要组成部分. 在esball国际平台客户端OT,我们确保每个学生都有范围广泛、内容丰富的经历. Your fieldwork program is tailored to your needs, 地理偏好和你感兴趣的实践环境类型. 我们在全国各地都有合作关系,并将学生安置在美国各地的临床环境中.

Want to practice fieldwork abroad? Ask us about our first international fieldwork site in Uganda.

Learn more about fieldwork

作为我们职业治疗硕士项目的学生,其中一个亮点是我们拥有令人难以置信的设施和资源, including a Simulation Lab, Pediatrics Lab, Cadaver Lab, Media Lab, Assistive Technology Resource and Education Center, Shared PT/OT Clinical Lab and the Health Sciences Library.

Take a Virtual 360° Tour to see our exceptional facilities

Assistive technology (AT) has been defined as any item, device or system, whether purchased, customized or fabricated, 这可以用来提高残疾人的功能能力.

At Clarkson OT, you will have the opportunity to interact with over 400 pieces of AT, ranging from low- to high-tech.

Which areas are addressed by AT?

  • Aging in place
  • Communication and social participation
  • Education and academics
  • Environmental modifications and controls
  • Mobility and community access
  • Recreation
  • Self-help
  • Supported employment
  • Workplace modification

esball国际平台客户端职业治疗理学硕士课程是一个全日制esball国际app课程. To be considered for admissions, applicants must:

  • 完成学士学位,优先考虑累积GPA为3的学生.0 or higher.
  • Take all the necessary prerequisite courses, 优先考虑平均成绩达到3分的学生.2 or higher with no grade lower than C.
  • 在职业治疗师或职业治疗助理的监督下,提交至少20小时的观察/志愿工作或工作经验的文件.
  • If you are unable to complete observation hours, please contact us for a supplemental essay prompt, and the observation hours requirement will be waived.
  • Submit three letters of recommendation. Letters from family or friends will not be accepted. Satisfactorily complete admissions process.

Applications may be submitted through the Occupational Therapy Common Application Service (OTCAS).

The deadline for application submissions is June 1. However, that the department uses a rolling admissions process, and as such, 申请将被审查,学生将被持续录取. For more information, please contact

Please note: the OT program is delivered on-site in Potsdam, New York with up to two courses offered virtually. For virtual courses, 学生必须能够使用计算机,访问和使用软件和在线平台来执行所有必要的教育功能. It is recommended that all entering students have a computer. 没有电脑的学生可以使用部门和大学的电脑.

For more information, please contact

Other Resources

Prerequisites for the MSOT Program

Financial Aid and Costs

An Approved SARA Institution

esball国际平台客户端职业治疗理学硕士课程由美国职业治疗协会职业治疗教育认证委员会(ACOTE)认证. acte于2017年8月授予该项目为期7年的全面认证. The next evaluation will be in 2023–2024.

ACOTE位于6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 200, North Bethesda, MD 20852-4929. ACOTE's telephone number is 301-652-6611 x2914, its email is and its website is

esball国际平台客户端是由美国中部大学和学校协会高等教育委员会认证的大学, 3624 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104-2680, 215-662-5606. In addition, 该大学是由美国公务员委员会认可的, and its curricula are approved by the New York State Board of Regents. 职业治疗项目已经在纽约州教育部注册.

该课程的毕业生将有资格参加职业治疗师国家认证考试, 由国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)管理. After successful completion of this exam, the graduate will be an occupational therapist, registered (OTR). 毕业于认可的课程是NBCOT认证的要求. It is also required for most states for licensing. 有关认证要求的更多信息,请参阅NBCOT网站 For more information on license requirements for New York State, see the New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions website at 重罪定罪可能会影响毕业生参加NBCOT认证考试或获得州执照的能力.

国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)的项目结果可以在以下网站找到: NBCOT Program Performance Data.

Data below is reflective of a calendar year.

Graduation YearStudents Entering/GraduatingNBCOT Exam Pass Rate
202017/16 (94%)93%
202122/21 (95%)100%
202223/22 (95%)86%
Total56/53 (95%)93%

esball国际平台客户端职业治疗理学硕士课程在2020年至2022年的三年间(最新一期)的毕业生总数为62人, with an overall graduation rate of 95 percent.

Career Possibilities

The demand for occupational therapists is rising, with job growth expected to increase 14 percent through 2031, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Occupational therapists work in a variety of environments, such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, small medical offices and clients' homes. 他们也从事政策和行政管理,以及研究和学术界的工作.

Job titles include:

  • Advocate
  • Consultant
  • Educator
  • Entrepreneur
  • Manager
  • Occupational therapist
  • Researcher 

Recent Employers

Following licensure, 毕业生通过许多健康和康复组织找到了工作, including:

  • Beaumont Hospital, Troy, Texas
  • Encompass Health, Austin, Texas
  • Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
  • Gottsche Rehabilitation Center, Wyoming
  • New York City Department of Education, New York, NY
  • Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center, Oregon City, OR
  • The Center for Discovery, Monticello, New York
  • The Perfect Playground, Staten Island, NY

Contact Us 

Occupational Therapy Department
Phone: 315-268-4412

有兴趣了解更多有关职业治疗理学硕士的知识? Contact the Department today with your questions.

Find out more about the Occupational Therapy Department in the Lewis School of Health Sciences.

Clarkson's MSOT Program Offers a Winning Combination


What to Expect

Explore Clarkson's simulation labs, 并了解我们的实践方法来教授职业治疗.

Join the Healthcare Team

esball国际平台客户端的职业治疗硕士课程将为你从事帮助他人的职业做准备. Find out more about this meaningful career.